Day 31

Presentation day!

I'll admit that I was pretty nervous before going up to present. There wasn't much reason to feel so pressured, but the other interns did so well, so it felt like there was a standard to be met. As per tradition, my presentation was under time, even though it was over time when I was rehearsing the night before. Not a big deal. My biggest concern going into today was that nobody would understand what I was talking about. After presenting, I still got the feeling that nobody understood what I was talking about. I guess I'll never know for sure. Dmitry did ask a good question though (to which I provided a mediocre response), so I suppose that proves something. I think all of the interns did really well today, and this was a great way to end the internship.

Postmortem time!

Coming into this internship, I had nagging doubts about the program, most of which, to be honest, revolved around it being unpaid. These doubts were first addressed on the day of my interview. I think that simple fascination made me want to work in AOFIM, MVRL, kLab, or PerForM Lab. The work being done in these labs was far more interesting than a high school course could offer. Secondly, my fellow interns are all cool people. Mostly quiet like me, but always kind and interesting. Thirdly, I learned so much about machine learning and remote sensing that I could help a PhD student with his dissertation. Of course, "help" is being used in the intern-y sense, where he could have done it himself given enough time, but help nonetheless. Overall, this was a great research opportunity; thank you to CIS for making it possible for me and my peers.


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