Day 28

Week 6 of the internship; the final presentation is on Thursday. It doesn't feel like week 6, but that's probably because I missed almost all of week 4. Regardless, there was much work to do before Thursday, so Nate and I rehearsed our presentations twice in front of the lab. Many revisions were made, and I'm feeling much more prepared for the real deal.

Thank you to everybody who was willing to listen to four lame high school presentations about the same topic in the same day. Your contribution will make the very same presentations significantly less lame on Thursday.

Apart from presentation-related stuff, Ron and I ran some ladder network and SMCAE experiments all day. Ron tackled the ladder network with PELU activation (which was apparently very difficult) and I continued with adjusting initial layer sizes on the ladder network and doing SMCAE runs with fixed component count PCA as a feature scaler. The results aren't looking too hot, but I'll withhold judgement until all of the numbers are in. I don't need fantastic results; I'm just looking for an interesting talking point to put into my presentation. After that's done, we can try to optimize it to sell it in the paper. I've also been doing model diagrams for the paper, and those are almost done. I think I should be able to tie up all of the loose ends by Thursday.


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