Day 5

Today I made really good progress, and I didn't really notice until I was about to leave. I ran into a lot of issues along the way: memory allocation issues (?!?), struggling to import a module, incorrect data dimensions, the list goes on. Huzzah. It took the entire day to iron out the bugs, and when the entire pipeline worked for the first time, it felt like I finished a marathon. A surprisingly quick runtime and high accuracy were my reward. There's still one bug where SCAEs work properly and CAEs don't, which is puzzling, since the SCAE code is completely reliant on the CAE code. That'll be a problem for tomorrow though.
At noon, there was a talk about biomedical imaging from Professor Linte. It was high-level overview of a variety of topics from cardiac models to VR. It was a nice way to break up the day, and it helped get a better idea of the other things that go on at CIS.
Tomorrow, I'm going to be working out that one bug and hopefully starting my first experiment. Here we go!


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