Day 6

My experiment has officially started! I first cleaned up the code and prepared it for the 24 test cases, with 30 trials each. Then, I ran it. And waited.
I predict that this will be a common trend for the next few days.
During my downtime, I wrote my abstract and read some papers about machine learning models. The first test finished just after I came back from lunch. After collecting the results and calculating the relevant statistics, I started the second test. It was some time after this that I became aware of the fact that I was using 100% of the memory of all four GPUs on the server. After promptly stopping the experiment, I changed a setting to minimize the damage to only one GPU and started it back up. Luckily, the program's performance didn't change significantly, since some packages like to allocate memory it doesn't necessarily need (hence why it was happily devouring ~48000 MiB). I've been running the experiment remotely since I came home, and I plan to leave it running over night. It shouldn't be too far of a stretch to have all of the data by next Monday.
That is if nothing goes horribly wrong.


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