Day 14

"Happiness is when the code works."
- poster from the lab
I have finally made some progress on the ladder network. With the code from last time, I wrote a method to pass the Pavia University data into the ladder network. There were a surprising number of difficulties, but I got it to work. There were a few problems with how I formatted the data that I didn't notice at first, so I was heartbroken when the network made abysmal predictions. Turns out these algorithms don't learn too well when fed garbage, so I fixed the data and kept trying. Here is the end result.
The ladder network was trained on 450 labeled HSI samples and 42,776 unlabeled samples trained over 30 epochs. I'll admit the results aren't great (an SVM achieved 84% on similar data). However, only necessary changes were made to the network, so this is basically the same model that was predicting digits yesterday. There's still room for optimization with this model, so I expect the accuracy to be able to get even higher. Things are starting to pick up.


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