Day 16

The first thing I did when I got to the lab was test my changes. I believe the problem I was trying to solve was an exploding gradient, and my solution was gradient clipping. Don't quote me on that though. To my relief, it worked! Turns out there was a very simple solution to what seemed to be like a disastrous problem. I spent the rest of my time in the lab working on various parts of the ladder network.

At 2:00, Mingming presented his driving simulator at Slaughter Hall. Watching Gerry drive like a madman and trying it out for myself was pretty fun. It's a cool project, and I think Mingming got some really good feedback/suggestions, which is nice to see.

At the end of the day, the interns, REU students, and some staff drove down to the Mees Observatory. I'd never been to an observatory, so this was pretty cool. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see anything because of the weather. It was a good time nonetheless.


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