Day 26

Today we made some promising progress on both experiments. Ron noticed that the ladder network performed exceptionally well on features generated by 4-5 layer SMCAEs and suggested that the ladder network may work best when the first layer reduces dimensionality instead of adding dimensionality. This theory was completely contrary to the results of the original paper and the "gold standard" MNIST ladder network, so I was a bit skeptical, but there was no reason not to try the same approach with 1-3 layer SMCAEs. So far, these kinds of models work marginally better than an SVM. I will withhold judgement until we do more trials.

On the SCAE/SMCAE side of the experiments, Ron suggested that since the stacks with more layers produce more features, the SVM used to classify may be prone to overfitting (explaining our poor results from last time). Hence, we should perform PCA before classifying with a fixed number of output components so that the number features remains constant. I haven't had the time/GPUs to fully test this, but it seems like it's doing a little bit better. Again, there isn't enough data to draw conclusions yet. Regardless, both theories are looking pretty good so far.

I also sat in on Titus and Aditi's test runs of their presentations for the MVRL crew. They got a lot of good feedback to improve their presentation skills, and I also learned a bit that I'll use for my presentation run tomorrow. We will see how that goes.


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